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  • discoverindywitherin

If I Had A Dollar, Hey Hey!

When we started to tell our friends, family, coworkers, and strangers about our big van adventure we fielded a lot of questions. We don't mind answering your questions - humans our wildly curious about the unknown.

FACT - we had to ask these same questions to each other as we were planning this lifestyle change. What do we do about food, laundry, and showering? All of the basic luxuries we were used to in our every day life have changed. We decided to create this video answering the top 5 most-common questions we have been asked.

This video may leave you with more questions than you came here with. If you have any questions (no question is dumb) you may ask it at the bottom of our about us page.

Don't forget to subscribe so you can get email updates of our new blogs and videos! :)

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